Oh Music
Tagged with: OhMusic
242 words; 1 minutes to read.
Offline Music Player - play music without internet.
Feature Highlights:
- Import music files from local computer or cloud drive like Google drive, Dropbox
- ShazamKit is supported for iOS 15, let user detect their music online and update the information into local music files.
- Filter, category, cycle mode
- Dark mode support
- Audio format support: "mp3", "aac", "m4a", "wav"
- Performance optimised with GCD
- In-app purchase support with life time period, once you buy it you own it forever
From Aug 17, 2021,
Oh Music is alived on App Store, it is a free version with IAP support. I have removed the predecessor called “Vanilla Music” from App Store since the advanced & polished one is coming. Oh Music act as a new version which involves more feature and better UI appearance design.
You could install Oh Music from above QR code or just seach “Oh Music” in your app store.
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